Garden Quartz Heart

Garden Quartz Heart


Shamans have been known to use Lodalite to help one go deep within themselves and finally discover the depths of his true core. It is sometimes called the “Shaman Stone” also known as garden quartz

LODOLITE will bring everything hidden to the surface and released into the light. It is a great assistant when one finds himself breaking new grounds, transitioning into higher states of consciousness and/or possibly overcoming old outdated aspects of the lower self.

Gazing into this stone is said to bring about a cosmic shift of consciousness.

Lodolite is a very powerful journeying stone on all levels; cosmic, soul and personal. I personally have many of these stones in my own jewelry I wear every day - I may be a touch obsessed with their uniqueness and beauty.

This beautiful stone is 1 inch across at it's widest and longest points and hangs from a 16” solid brass chain with an antiqued patina. 

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