2 Swallows on a Skeleton Key

2 Swallows on a Skeleton Key


If you see swallows flying over your home you should see it as a lucky omen of good fortune coming your way. ... A swallows nest built in the eaves of a house is considered to be extremely good luck bringing success, good fortune and happiness. And to remove a swallow's nest is said to bring sadness and loss into the home. This spirit animal is a symbol of love, protection and joy. Also, it may symbolize a happy life, fidelity and peace. If you have any of these traits, then a swallow bird may be your spirit animal. We can also say that people whose spirit animal is a swallow bird usually have a lot of friends and they are very cheerful.

I thought these two little swallows perfect for this 1800’s skeleton key and I added a sterling silver heart nestled close below the pair . These are such lovely little birds. The key hangs from a 30” steel ball chain, easily cut to whatever length you desire. (But kinda amazing at 30 inches for layering with a few of your other favorite necklaces!) 

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